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Breeze Period Cup Review

Dealing with periods can be a monthly hassle, but what if there was a game-changing solution that could make your periods more comfortable, eco-friendly, and convenient? Enter the period cup - a revolutionary alternative to traditional sanitary products.


One of our LUMIROUS team members has been using a period cup even before joining the team, and today she will share why the period cup is life-changing. Let’s hear what Nina thinks!


What is a Period Cup?


A Menstrual cup, also known as a period cup, is a reusable feminine hygiene product designed to collect period fluid during a woman's period. It resembles a cup that holds the period blood. The cup is inserted into the vagina, forming a seal to prevent leakage. Unlike tampons or pads that absorb the fluid, the cup collects it, allowing for easy emptying, washing, and reusing. Personally, I have been using the Breeze Period Cup for almost two years now.


How’s the comfort and convenience of the Period Cup?



Before using Breeze, I used cheaper period cups I bought from Shopee, but they were not as comfortable as this one. The material used in those cups was hard, causing discomfort and pain during removal. However, Breeze period cup is made of FDA-approved medical-grade silicone, making it flexible and soft. Period cups, in general, provide excellent security, and I personally experience up to 8 hours of leakage-free protection. The freedom to engage in physical activities such as swimming or sports without concerns of displacement or discomfort is incredible. What's more, Breeze Period Cups have made cleaning convenient by introducing sterilizing pills. You simply pop one pill into the storage cup, add tap water, and immerse your period cup. It's that simple!


What about health and hygiene?



Using period cups can reduce the risk of toxic shock syndrome (TSS). Unlike period pads and tampons that contain chemicals or fragrances that may irritate your skin and cause dryness, period cups, especially Breeze, maintain the natural pH balance and avoid irritation or dryness.


Is it Cost-Effective?



Absolutely! I no longer need to buy tampons every month since purchasing my period cup. It has lasted me up to 5 years. Why spend more when I can save?


Do you think there’s any impact on the environment?


Of course, period cups have a positive environmental impact. Unlike disposable pads and tampons that contribute to significant waste, period cups are reusable and significantly reduce the amount of waste generated during menstruation. Opting for a period cup prevents the disposal of hundreds of tampons or pads each year, reducing the burden on landfills and the environment. Additionally, period cups require fewer resources in their production compared to disposable products, further minimizing their environmental footprint. With their long lifespan, often lasting several years, fewer resources are needed for manufacturing and distribution. Overall, period cups are an eco-friendly choice that promotes sustainability and reduces the environmental impact of period care.


So, Is there anything else you would want to say to the readers?


In my opinion, the period cup is a game-changer in the world of period care. Its numerous advantages in terms of comfort, convenience, health, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact make it a compelling choice. By selecting the right period cup, you can improve your personal well-being while contributing to a sustainable future. Personally, I always choose the Breeze Period Cup for its compactness, practicality, and hassle-free experience. So, why not make the switch today and experience the ultimate freedom and confidence during your periods?


If you would like to purchase BREEZE PERIOD CUP click here!

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